Refund & Cancellation Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Effective Date: 2nd January 2024

This Refund Policy (“Policy”) outlines the circumstances under which Radically Digital (“we,” “us,” or “our”) will provide refunds for services related to web design, development, and digital marketing to clients located in the United States of America (USA), Canada, and the United Kingdom (UK) (“you” or “your”). By engaging our services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Policy and agree to be bound by its terms.


General Principles

We are committed to providing high-quality services and ensuring client satisfaction. However, we recognize that situations may arise where refunds or cancellations are necessary. This Policy aims to establish clear guidelines for handling such situations in a fair and transparent manner.


Services Covered

This Policy applies to the following services offered by Radically Digital

Web design, including initial design concepts, mockups, and final website design.

Web development, encompassing front-end and back-end development tasks.
Web site maintenance and content improvement/uploading and marketing revisions on the site.
Database and server development, monitoring, backups and maintenance.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services aimed at improving website visibility on search engines. This may include on-page, off page or GMB listings.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns designed to drive traffic to websites.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) initiatives focused on enhancing brand presence and engagement.
Social Media Management and maintenance for keeping brands relevant to the audience.

Content Marketing strategies aimed at creating and distributing valuable content to attract and retain customers.


Refund Eligibility

Refunds will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration various factors including project stage, reason for cancellation, and client satisfaction.


Project Stage:


  • Initial Design Phase:

If a project is canceled before any design work has commenced, a full refund will be issued.

In the event that initial design concepts are presented but the client decides not to proceed, a partial refund of around 30% may be considered. The amount refunded will be determined based on the time and resources invested in the design phase.

  • Development Phase:

Once development work has begun, refunds may be granted on a prorated basis, reflecting the proportion of work completed at the time of cancellation. The complexity of the completed work and the remaining project scope will also be taken into account.

  • Project Completion:

No refunds will be issued for completed projects that have been delivered and made accessible to the client.


Reason for Cancellation:

Cancellation by Client: If a client chooses to cancel a project without valid cause or unrelated to our performance, a refund may not be granted.

Cancellation by Us: In rare instances where we are unable to fulfill our obligations due to unforeseen circumstances, we will notify the client promptly and provide a full refund for any prepaid services.


Refund Process

Clients requesting a refund must submit a written request via email to within 45 days of the event triggering the refund request (e.g., project cancellation, dissatisfaction with deliverables). The request should clearly articulate the reason for requesting a refund and include any relevant details supporting the claim.


We will review refund requests within 10 business days of receipt. If the request is approved, the refund will be processed using the original payment method or through bank deposit within 45 business days of approval.


Non-Refundable Items

Setup fees associated with SEO, PPC, and SMM campaigns are non-refundable.

Domain name registrations and web hosting fees are non-refundable as they are paid directly to third-party service providers.

Delivered designs (UI/UX/Posters) which have been completed and delivered already.


We strongly discourage the use of chargebacks as a means of resolving billing disputes. If a chargeback is initiated against us, we reserve the right to suspend services and withhold project deliverables until the dispute is resolved. We encourage clients to communicate directly with us to address any billing concerns and find an amicable solution.


Jurisdictional Variations

While this Policy aims to comply with the laws of the USA, Canada, and the UK, specific regulations governing refunds may vary by jurisdiction. If any provision of this Policy is deemed unenforceable under the law of the client’s jurisdiction, such provision shall be disregarded, and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.


Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time without prior notice. Revised versions will be posted on our website, and clients are encouraged to review them periodically. Continued use of our services after the posting of revised policies constitutes acceptance of the changes.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

